Heart of Health Policy | Tobacco 21 Count Continues
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed off on vital Tobacco 21 legislation on July 17 and two days later Ohio Governor Mike DeWine followed suit, bringing the total number of states to pass statewide Tobacco 21 legislation to 18, not including the District of Columbia.
Over the last few years, the ACC and its state chapters across the country have been focused on advancing Tobacco 21 legislation, which brings the age of purchase to 21 for tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.
In New York and Ohio, ACC's state chapters were crucial in bringing the legislation across the finish line.
In May, members of ACC's Ohio Chapter met with lawmakers in Columbus to advocate for raising the purchasing age in Ohio. They continued their efforts through social media engagement and letters to their lawmakers urging them to support Tobacco 21.
In New York, members worked closely with the Medical Society of New York to advocate for passage of the bill – and the governor's signature was long anticipated due to these efforts.
Clinical Topics: Prevention, Smoking
Keywords: ACC Publications, Cardiology Magazine, Health Policy, Tobacco, Tobacco Use, Tobacco Products, Social Media, Government, Societies, Medical
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